Host a room

Room code: 358606550b366e6e964cc3ab79238de5

RED side BLACK side

Share board


There are 4 options: Play with friend, Play with AI, Play in room, and Set up the board

  1. Play with friend: Players press on the button "PLAY WITH FRIEND" on the front page and practice with friend.
  2. Play with AI: Players play directly on the front page. There are 4 levels: Newbie, Easy, Normal, and Hard.
  3. Play in room: Players press on the button "HOST A ROOM", host a new room with random Room code, and create a password for you and your friend, also capable of Inviting friend to play by sending the link. Players can also access the page "Rooms" to enter a hosted room. Players can choose Red Side or Black Side, Red moves first.
  4. Set up the board: Players press on the link "Set Up". In this option, players can arrange the chess pieces and press "CAPTURE THE BOARD" to challenge friends.

